Tuesday, April 28, 2020

P.S.-Berries, berries, jammmmmmmm

Well, here we are, nearing the end of April and my fingers are itching to get a hold of some fresh strawberries for jamming. We may be in the throws of this historic pandemic, but the strawberries don't know that. They are growing fast and furious in this perfect Spring weather. One day rain, another hot another warm, another full of tornados and high winds that clear the debris from trees. Sometimes, we miss this season and go straight from winter to summer. I try to remember that when I fuss to myself about needing a coat on some of these chilly mornings. My elephant ears and caladiums are usually up and stretching for the sun and warm breezes by now, but they are very very choosey and won't show their true colors and size until they are sure the warm is here to stay. I mean, we just passed our typical frost date. A month from now, more colorful plants could be greeting me when I pass by on my walks. That is something to look forward to!

I hope I can get the annual jamming done in the next week or so, but I'm missing my helper. My girls were raised making jam, and there were years where everyone had a part in it and we could knock out enough for family and friends and strangers and messy-chef customers in nothing flat. I like thinking back to those days. My oldest has helped me lately; she lives nearby but that makes no difference in this season's berrying. That's okay. There is some comfort in doing something familiar and normal in the thick of not normal times. That is what I look forward to.  and when this fearful time passes, I'll be looking forward to making Messy Chef chicken pot pies again and seeing the faces of friends and friendly consumers who like them for their comfortability. 

This week, though- it's stained fingers and sticky hands that will remind me of the peacefulness of doing normal things again.

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