Wednesday, April 29, 2020

P.S.....What the heck?

Well, I have made the mistake of noticing the new normal is feeling less stressed sometimes for a few minutes of some of these days, so that means 1 of 2 things-
If Murphy is predictable, all hell is about to break looser or, maybe we are tip toeing out of this cave.
Probably somewhere in the middle, is my guess. My typical resource didn't have much to offer in the next few weeks- Mercury is not in retrograde until June 2 with red hot dates of June 17 and 18. Focus on family communication during those two hot days.

Making masks, crocheting baby stockings, sending cards fit in nicely with package delivery, email exchanges with members, making copies, and other officelike tasks. Some of that isn't quite normal.

The mail has been a little off  right now. We get one delivery instead of two, sometimes none. We see one of our regular guys, Bobby, but Jonathan is elsewhere delivering, I guess. I miss his pictures. I made a mask for Bobby, but really, I think they need body masks. They are putting theirselves at risk every day, handling mail, mailboxes, passing by people. I worry a bit.

The postoffice is showing signs of its own kind of quaranteenish feel. A sign on the door 4 people only! yellow strips of tape inside where you can stand. These additions are relatively new. 6 weeks ago it was two post peops behind the desk with masks. Within a week, there was clear plastic sheeting between them and us. A few days later, furniture pushed up against the desk to create 6 feet space, and I half expected that furniture spacial creating to continue until you could not actually enter the post office at all, but that hasn't happened, whew. Thank you, post people for not bringing back 'going postal' in all of this. It would be no wonder.

Yesterday, on my late lunch mask walk, I saw a post person I did not know. She was delivering in our area, and looked as if she would rather be somewhere or someone else in some other time and place. I feel that truth. I hoped I would make it back to work before she came because we had a large amount of mail to go out, and if I'm not there when the USPS comes to us, I drop it off at the post office on my way home. (happy to do that, harder to remember to pull in when the car is on the mission to get home). I made it back to work, and had just gotten back  to the front desk when I saw her. Well, I caught a glimpse of that postal blue- a flash, really. It appeared behind the bushes and then disappeared. I put my purse down. The blue was suddenly at the new giant mailbox (that is for mail delivery ONLY) then somehow I saw the backs of her shoes on the sidewalk in a fast exit mode. Since leaping over the desk was not an option, I quickstepped around and through the lobby yelling NOOOOO WAIT!!! I pushed open the door as she sped by. "BUT WE HAVE MAILLLLLL! Daggit.

The phone rang today, with live people on the other end. I've been hearing from Susan and Josh, who are not real people, but they give me the opportunity to say "remove me", which I do regularly but still, they persist. Today, a person called looking for some medical equipment from our medical equipment orphanage downstairs in the dungeon. That was a refreshing request- the need being NOT Covid related. The potty seat and shower chair sat outside for a while. I tried to tell my boss I was moving my desk outside and the potty seat might come in handy if I needed it. He didn't buy the story.

I was on the video call with my oldest this morning for our pretend- to- create-new -work- routines  efforts during these days when the church phone rang. Imagine my surprise to have a live person on the other end yet again! She wanted to schedule something on the calendar. Before I could clean up the water I had spit out at that request, she let me know it was for January. I took down the info and decided I would retrieve that how-to-calendar-knowledge after my video meeting was over. Before my daughter had said more than 2 words, the phone rang again. "Seriously?" I heard my own irritated voice. a few seconds later, another. "What IS this?" I fussed. "Sheesh, you'd think I was at work or something." Oh yeah. I am. That reality check shook the fuss right out of me, and I found myself sitting up straighter, as a secretary would.

Then the cat food showed up. My boss brought over a case of grain-free super duper wellness cat food that was left in the parking lot. I recalled seeing a Ryder truck in the parking lot when I left yesterday, I watched a guy close the back door of the truck and hustle away. Guess he left the cat food behind. Or did he? Did some smart cat secretly order this special food because his owner would not? Cats are capable of doing such things, you know. Or, did this guy just break up with his girlfriend and "She can have the freakin cat food, so there! I'll leave it on the asphalt!" or maybe he was an Amazon delivery guy using a Ryder truck and that case of cat food just did push his truck weight over the edge, or maybe one more delivery was too much Maybe it was payback for the post office woman not picking up his mail, so he was not delivering her cat food. Who knows? I talked with the Amazon bot who refused to understand that I did not order said food and I decided that whoever did order it, if in fact, it was an Amazon delivery, they would get pissed and let Amazon know and it would be redelivered or the guy would notice he dropped it and retrace his steps to the closed church.

These dribs and drabs may seem like nothing to you- but I'm telling you something is up, and I hope it is good.

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