Wednesday, September 16, 2020

P.S. Pandemic/schmandemic- I'm talking REAL problems here, people

 I got a haircut- sort of; more of a clean up trim.... A couple of weeks ago, and this is  my second try at growing it out past this impossible stage. We'll see. I can almost tuck it behind both ears and my next appointment is in 6 weeks. It helps that the weather is cooler. Getting my hair cut always feels like such a luxury, but essential as well. Before my last visit, I was so excited that my hair felt "long". I could make a ponytail out of some of my bangs. If you call using an orthodontist's (for braces) rubber band and a pinch of hair a ponytail...Geesh, talk about denial.  So my wonderful stylist said, "Look at you! let's keep it going!" and she trimmed and I went home and two days later I was begging to come back. We had a lovely bout of August days with 135% humidity and I broke down. Couldn't take it. I called the stylist helpline which is somehow the same number as the shop. The cheerful girl who answered listened carefully to my emergency request, then covered the phone and said something like, "This chick sounds like she's coming off of sugar or chocolate, she sounds desperate, what should I do? " I heard a mumble, some garbled exchanges, and Ms. Cheerful-to-a-fault said, "Sure. She has another opening in September." Reality is hard to face sometimes, and sort of a lot of times since Spring. "Well, actually, my next appointment is before that, so I guess I'll just wait."She hung up, but not before I heard her say to, I'm guessing, my stylist, "You were right, that did the trick!" then click. Rude. Didn't even try to talk me away from my own scissors. Hmph. 

So, of course my angst settled, and now, I'm trying again. We'll see. Still, I'd like to see Ms. Cheerful try to grow some bangs out sometime, oh yeah I would. 


Gretchen said...

Haha! Love.

Pollyanna said...

Too funny! My hair is turning yellow...I need a hair intervention! You can do this! ❤️