Wednesday, May 13, 2020

P.S. Unavoidable mid -week post. You shoulda been there...

A staff member came by for a meeting today. For a few minutes and from a distance, we chatted. We talked around the obvious- fear, illness, death, and stuck with weather words.
"What are you doing in a tee shirt and shorts in this crazy weather? " I asked from my sweatered self.
"It is a surprise to be so chilly in mid-May, I'll give you that." He kept glancing at the front door, waiting for his meeting members to arrive so they could sit far apart and yell out important meeting minutia.

I got up to stretch my legs and walked toward the front doors, hoping to see some warm sun, but all I saw was a nondescript man walking past the church trailing a very long contrail, of sorts.  Behind him coming from the backside of his pants, mind you, and waving like a dragon's tail were at least 20 squares of ... wait. wait a minute. No. I looked at my friend and gave a wilted point towards the door. Silently, I mouthed "Did You?"

My friend was staring at the flowing tissue trail too, his eyes and mouth bass wide.  I pushed open the door and sped to the sidewalk. The Charmin vision was nowhere to be seen. Had I imagined it?
"You did see that, right?" I panted through my mask.
"That tail was pretty aerodynamic, he could have picked up speed." He chuckled.
I rushed to the corner, hoping he (1) had been real, and (2) was still in sight. "Well, if it was Charmin strong, maybe, but probably not Northern or Angel Soft. Either one of those would have just weighed him down, slowed his pace." I spotted him in the distance-tail in arms; I saw folds of fluff white, bouncing for dear life. "I see him!! He's holding his tail now!" and then, well. then. I watched as he placed the collective toilet tissue tail on a shrub as he passed by. My shoulders drooped and I turned back toward the church doors.  I sighed, "It's just sad now, what a waste."
"What do you mean?"
" I mean, it's like he doesn't even know or care what he just threw away?"
" I'm still not following you."
I put my hand on his shoulder of air from 6 feet away."Man, we coulda bought a beachfront cottage with a tail like that."

1 comment:

thedavidbeach said...

What?? No pics?? sigh