We are powerless in so many ways anymore. Some would say we are always and have always been powerless, but I know some people who would say "I'M NOT!" like it's important to have the bigger piece of cake. They missed the rule that one person slices and the other chooses. Hmph.
There are lots of decisions to be made in every day, tons, maybe that feels like power to the cake hogs, but deciding feels more like a treat to me most days. Maybe deciding and power are cousins, idk. Power sounds BIG, where deciding sounds lighter, floatier.
God has power. Ok, maybe, probably, but let's not get into faith back-n-forths while we're in the middle of questionable times. What better time than now? I know, but I've already referenced the suspicious similarities to today and Biblical times. eek. Breathe.
In this post, I mean that there isn't much we can do to make this viral business just STOP and GO AWAY and in that sense, we are powerless in so many ways anymore. So while we tread and dip, pull up who we can and try to be the turtles that win the race, I will say that empowerment is a relative of power that I really like. Living sources can be empowered to do bad things, of course. This we know.
There are plants that devour insects, ending their lives with a squeeze. There are flying monsters who clip the heads off of honey bees who are already in danger, and there are misguided and crazy people blah blah blah bad news scary words- enough of that. Today I'm talking about good empowerment. When it is good, it feels good all the way to your toes and back. I had a miraculous opportunity to witness good empowerment in someone I love very much. This very week, too!
As you know, mentioned a few posts back, it is jam time in the city. I have been making fresh strawberry jam since I was 16. A Nearly 50 year empowering adventure! Even so, after all this time, still, every year, I dread, a little, what is ahead because it is truly a labor of love, but as soon as the first berry is capped, that dread falls away and the experience reminds me of all good things. Over the years,as my family grew and the girls gifted my days, we all worked together to make it happen. Those are such good memories across the Ouija board of our lives! Even after they grew and flew, one or another would show up to help when they were nearby. I love that. A lot.
One daughter who lives sooooooo far away, has maintained the tradition from afar. That is so neat, it makes my heart light. Love. Love. Love.
This year, my oldest (her first jam experience at under a week old, mind you) was unable to meet up with me for the jamathon. We both knew this, but my heart felt heavy anyway. I kept up the tradition alone and as always, it felt good, sticky good.
Then, she said on a call one day that she had all the supplies she needed, and was aiming to jam over the weekend. She snap chatted each step, she posted on FB, and we face timed as she went along. She knew the process, it was in her roots. I loved feeling like we were almost together as in years past, but I detected something else going on, and I could not quite figure it out. She called me when it was time for the 'one minute' watch, her excitement surfed through the phone. She said she was so excited because she had not ever jammed on her own by herself doing all parts of the work!AHA! She had participated in parts of the process for many years, but had never done all of it on her own and with that revelation, I understood her enthusiasm. The empowerment came later in the evening when she texted, "I hear popping!!" Popping is the magic sound the lids make when the jam is sealing, and it signifies job complete and success! I could feel her complete sense of accomplishment at guiding those beautiful berries into nectar that would cheer up dreary winter days and would keep on giving a taste of bliss until next year. What a treat to see all that happen! Huge. Wonderful. Good.
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