Friday, June 05, 2020

P.S. Caffeinated thinking

I am a one cuppa coffee girl- First thing, and I enjoy it like the Old Maxwell House commercial. When my girls were young, I would still get up before they did, and I'd have the best-part-of-waking-up- is Folgers in my cup, or whatever the brand was at the time. Even though I live alone, I still have that special alone alone time every morning....but over the years I have come to understand something very very important. Caffeinated thinking. For 30 minutes after my cup, I can change the world, be anything, do anything, go anywhere, make fabulous plans! But I have learned not to act on any of those marvelous ideas.Usually, I write them down and put the list aside until later or else big trouble can come in the door. 

Ex. Coffee time. Oh! I think I'd like to run a marathon, look up when the next one is and sign up! Then by noon, I'm weary just climbing the steps at work...or- Hey! think I'll start a knitting group! we can meet once a week and I'll make dinner and it will be so fun! In reality, I leave work thinking that making a meal for a group after a long day working and being fun and friendly seems impossible. Solitude is my group. Or-

Oh! Let me look at sales online! I can buy birthday gifts early, get what I need for the upcoming season! yay! I know to restrain from pushing "check out", but occasionally there are mistakes made, usually when I am extra tired (as in these pandemical days).

One  early morning a while back, I had slipped into caffeinated thinking and I put several things in my cart from a couple of different stores. Some things in two sizes so I could see which was right. Later that day when I was checking email, I noticed confirmations of several orders! I panicked! I went back and saw my cart was empty. DAGGIT! Too late to cancel, I even went online to customer service and was informed they fill orders quickly and it was too late. So I received several packages over the next few weeks. I returned most of it but was surprised at some of it as I did not recall some of the items. I tell you this, friends, to warn you. BEWARE OF CAFFEINATED THINKING- Don't trust it or your checkbook may be very upset. 

On the other hand, I've got some overalls now,(I wore my other ones out years ago, although that look has come back so their worn- outness probably  would have been valuable now. Maybe enough to cover my inadvertent shopping)

And I'm set for sweaters to go with my leggins this winter, and I'm in good shape for t shirts for now. 

I can't help or stop any of the frenzied chaos going on right now, but this, THIS, I can do. Don't succumb to caffeinated thinking. Just walk away. Do it. You can always thank me later. 

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