Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Pandemically Speaking, I'm done with numbers

Math was never my forte. Why start now? I can't even number every chronicle post right. Besides, numbers have taken on a horrible reputation. They just keep going up. Prices, numbers on my scale at home, the news. I have heard many times that we are looking for the number to flatten. I've been looking for my numbers to flatten for years, but they just keep getting rounder and well, I just don't like it. Not at all.

When is it time for the commercials that used to irritate me, interrupting my favorite shows? Bring me a nice juicy, cheesy commercial and run it three times in a row, I'd celebrate that right about now.
Give me a break in this "show" we are stuck in right now. I don't need to see any more episodes.

Where are Dr. Kildare and Dr. Casey? They would be able to solve this nightmare in 44 minutes or less. Somebody throw a pillowcase over Nurse Ratchet and get her attitude out of here, we want  healing and freedom!

As an introvert, I find myself longing for a bit of overcrowding in these days. A group of obnoxious tweens giggling past me on the sidewalk. Something as normal as that, only it isn't anymore.

With the slew of new babies that are sure to drop into this world over Christmas, don't let me hear any name that rhymes with 'ona', but I'd sure like to hear one born 'Norma'.

One day, we'll laugh about this. NOT. One day, we'll forget how scary it all was, the fright factor of the unknown and of the when and how. I don't think so. Holocaust survivors remember their horrors.

Maybe we'll find great value in the opportunities these hard times are giving us- rediscovering the importance of simple pleasures. Teddy bears in windows  and chalk pictures on the sidewalks. Finding new ways of teaching the kids we love, or remembering how much we mean to each other, maybe we'll hear nature sing to us more, or see what she has to show us. I don't know.

I wonder sometimes, in all of this frightening time on earth, if we will discover that, even in these times of fear and sickening losses we gain some things. Resilience lives somewhere, I'm hoping.

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