I took today off to accompany my oldest daughter to the hospital for some ankle repair work. It seems only fitting, as I've had the cat to the vet, and the car in the shop this week.
This appointment has been a long time coming for her. An old, persistent softball injury finally sent her in for some help. It's been a while since I've played caretaker mom, and it was a very interesting morning. I drove us in the dark of early early morn through the delightfully( only because we need it so much, the truth is that it was scary and felt like driving through clear jello) driving rain- and a picture from the past kept appearing in my mind's eye.
Em at 5, about to get the afeared Kindy- garten shots. The child screamed so loudly that the leaves have still, 20 years later, not returned to the branches they ejected from on that day. ...On that day, in addition to getting a grrrreeeaaattttt workout, I grew a new level of respect for the strength of young children. Her whole body - superglued to the frame of the open car door. What a site. What an adventure.
Today, she was just as afraid, if not moreso- The IV loomed along with the unknown of being put "under". She held herself together very well. I was proud.
When we finally got back home and she had settled into a nice nap, I rushed over to work to do a
quick task for my boss, and lo! a box sat in my chair. I assumed it was something for me to mail.
I was very pleasantly surprised to find out that I did not need to visit the PO afterall. There was a lovely note attached saying, "Dear Church lady, For some time now I have been reading your blog. "(Now how about that? I didn't need to see anything more, my day had already been made with this lovely first phrase!) "..... traumas that your gnome has undergone.... He is the protector of the room, perhaps he, too needs a protector (Yet again, lovely thought, and very true. I have been unable to find a cousin Gnome that speaks to me the same way my broken friend does, and with three breaks under his belt- literally, I believe that this assessment may be right on the nose)"... Please accept this watch bear as a gift ... I will leave it up to you to decide if he can help.
themadhypnotist..... "
Readers! GadZOOKS!! How fun is this? I am here to say it is Quite FUN.!!!
Inside the box lay a watchbear in wait. With a phone/radio and a careful watchful eye. He will have the weekend to befriend Gnome and come Monday, the Church Chick's office will be double guarded. How lucky is that? How thoughtful and caring? How fun? Lots lots lots, that's how...
Come by and meet him next time you are in the office, and I will ask my talented church photographer to get me a pic so I can add it here sooner than soon. My family continues to grow!!
and to the madhypnotist- Thank you ten times over.
1 comment:
Im honored. hehehehe... Enjoy the bear, and Ill enjoy my first mention in someone else's blog.
- david
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