Monday, September 14, 2009

Every Little bit helps

The church yard is looking wild and wolly. The sweet peas are in bloom around one pine tree and the passion flower seems to be settling in. I can't wait until it blooms.
The lamiastrum is growing. Eventually, the pinestraw will be all green leafy plants.

Along the front, I will be adding mexican petunias in a couple of weeks for next year, and well, I will be pulling the tomatoes and pepper up soon in exchange for broccoli.

I snuck a few veggie plants in with the flowers this summer and lo! they are producing.

I took 2 measley pounds of roma tomatoes and a green pepper to the Interfaith Food shuttle today and you would have thought I carried a bushel basket overflowing with grand vegetables in. The response was so comforting. Every little bit helps. I hope to keep mixing vegetables in with the flowers until I can get approval for a small raised bed on the grounds. In themeantime, I'm proud of the work the few plants have done and I am grateful for their bounty. Someone will be enjoying them tonight.

1 comment:

Belle said...

The garden makes me INCREDIBLY happy!